Tuesday 28 February 2023

Riddle Me This

28 Days

Hi riddle lovers,

Recently (最近), I have been asking my students riddles (なぞなぞ) in class. Trying to answer these puzzling questions (不可欠な問題) is an excellent way (素晴らしい方法) to exercise the brain (脳を働かせる・鍛える). Naturally (当然), trying to solve (解く) riddles in a foreign language (外国語) is an even bigger challenge!

So, as today is the last day of February, and since it is not a leap year (閏年ではない), riddle me this (このなぞなぞに答えて)

How many months of the year have 28 days? 

Check below for the answer!

Good luck,

The Riddler

2Days       2Days       2Days       2Days       2Day      2Days   

P.S. The answer is "12" or "All of them" because every month has at least (少なくとも) 28 days!

P.P.S. If the question had been "How many months of the year have only 28 days?" then the answer would have been "1 (February)."