Last week in my advanced class we discussed an article called "Movie stars bring sparkle to gaming", which talks about how many film stars are now appearing in video games. Games are big business and are starting to appeal to a much wider audience than before. Companies often put in as much time and money into producing games as movies these days, and the appearance of real world stars in their games is a useful selling point.
The article can be found here:
Useful vocabulary:
- blockbuster - 大ヒット
- spin-off - 副産物、テレビの続編番組
- wunderkind - 〈ドイツ語〉神童 (wonder child)
- avatar - アバター、ネット上での仮の像
例、掲示板に書き込むときいつもその人が自画像のように使うアイコン - first-person shooter - 主観視点のシューティング・ゲーム
- vanguard - 文化や活動の先駆者、先導者
- potty-mouthed - 口汚い
- become de rigueur - 絶対条件となる
- kudos - 名声、栄光、栄誉、称賛、賛辞、褒賞、威信
- bragging rights - 自慢する権利、得意げに話す権利
- Tinseltown - 〈米俗〉金ピカの町、ハリウッドのこと
- Hollywood A-lister - ハリウッドの大物