Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!

Hi everybody,

As the sun sets on 2013, Jack and I would like to thank all of our students and blog readers for their support over the past year. We would also like to wish you a happy and healthy 2014.

See you at E-Style,


Thursday, 26 December 2013

Someone (who looks) like 〜

Hi everyone,

Last time, I wrote about my students' answers to the following question:
     What kind of person do you want to marry? (どんな人と結婚したいのですか。)
Among the answers we studied was the following:
     Someone who likes music. (音楽が好きな人。)
This pattern is very useful because the verb "likes" can be followed by any noun (名詞), even a proper noun (固有名詞). For example:
     Someone who likes Hugh Jackman. (ヒュー・ジャックマンが好きな人。)

Feel free to use the "Someone who likes 〜" pattern when talking about people's preferences (好み), but please be careful. For there are other patterns using "like" which have different meanings.

One similar pattern is: Someone like Hugh Jackman. (ヒュー・ジャックマンみたいな人。)
Another is: Someone who looks like Hugh Jackman. (ヒュー・ジャックマンに似ている人。)

"Someone like 〜" is often (but not always) talking about personality (性格) rather than looks (外見). "Someone who looks like 〜" is always referring to one's appearance (外見).

Take care,


Thursday, 5 December 2013

Someone who 〜

Hi English-conversation students,

For the past few weeks in my beginners classes, I have asked the following question:
     What kind of person do you want to marry? (どんな人と結婚したいのですか。)
Here are some of the most popular answers using adjectives (形容詞):
     I want to marry someone who is rich (お金持ちの人).
     I want to marry someone good-looking (ルックスの良い人).
     Someone who is kind (親切な人).
     Someone funny (面白い[ユーモアがある]人).
Please notice that when using an adjective, you can shorten your answer to just two words (Someone _____.).

Of course, there are other ways to answer the same question. Changing the verb from "is" to "can" is very useful. In this case, "can" is followed by the dictionary-form of a verb (動詞の辞書形). For example:
     Someone who can cook (料理ができる人).
     Someone who can play tennis (テニスができる人).

Changing the verb to "likes" followed by a noun (名詞) is another good way to answer the same question:
     Someone who likes music (音楽が好きな人).
     Someone who likes movies (映画が好きな人).

Good luck,
