Hi English-conversation students,
For the past few weeks in my beginners classes, I have asked the following question:
What kind of person do you want to marry? (どんな人と結婚したいのですか。)
Here are some of the most popular answers using
adjectives (形容詞):
I want to marry
someone who is rich (お金持ちの人).
I want to marry
someone good-looking (ルックスの良い人).
Someone who is kind (親切な人).
Someone funny (面白い[ユーモアがある]人).
Please notice that when using an adjective, you can shorten your answer to just two words (Someone _____.).
Of course, there are other ways to answer the same question. Changing the verb from "is" to "can" is very useful. In this case, "can" is followed by the
dictionary-form of a verb (動詞の辞書形). For example:
Someone who can cook (料理ができる人).
Someone who can play tennis (テニスができる人).
Changing the verb to "likes" followed by a
noun (名詞) is another good way to answer the same question:
Someone who likes music (音楽が好きな人).
Someone who likes movies (映画が好きな人).
Good luck,