Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Sayonara 2019 . . .

Dear readers,

First and foremost (何よりもまず), thank you all for studying English through this blog and (for some of you) at E-Style. As we ride into the sunset on this December 31st, it's time to bid farewell to the old year (行く年の別れを告げる) and get ready to ring in the new (新しい一年を迎える)So, sayonara 2019 . . . and hello 2020!
Wishing you all the best for the New Year, I remain,

Your devoted teacher,


Monday, 25 November 2019

I have the flu.

Hi everyone,

Last week, I wrote about the sentence pattern "I have a 〜." One exception (例外) is with influenza, which is commonly called "the flu." Hopefully, none of you reading this blog will ever have to use the phrase "I have the flu." (インフルエンザにかかっている). As I got my flu shot (インフルエンザの予防接種を受けた) today, I feel confident (自信がある) that I won't need to worry about influenza at all . . . at least until next year's flu season.

Take care,


Thursday, 21 November 2019

I have a cold.

Hi everybody,

Recently (最近), many students have been under the weather (体調が悪い). With the temperatures dropping, it's easy to catch a cold (風邪を引く), so please take care. If you do get sick, however, try using the sentence pattern "I have a 〜" to express yourself clearly (明確に表現する). Here are some examples:
  • I have a cold. (風邪をひいている)
  • I have a sore throat. (喉が痛い)
  • I have a stuffed-up nose. (鼻が詰まっている)
  • I have a running/runny nose. (鼻水が出ている)
  • I have a fever. (熱がある)


P.S. Of course, sometimes people are under the weather because they drank too much (飲み過ぎた) the night before. In this case (この場合), feel free to say I have a hangover (二日酔いです).

Monday, 23 September 2019

Autumnal Equinox Day

Hi all,

Today is Autumnal Equinox Day (秋分の日). Autumnal is an adjective (形容詞) for autumn, which we also call fall (秋). The word equinox comes from Latin (ラテン語): "equi" means "equal" and "nox" means "night." Although daytime and nighttime are equal today, unfortunately (残念ながら), the days will get shorter from tomorrow until the winter solstice (冬至) on December 22nd. They will then gradually (徐々に) get longer and even out again when Vernal Equinox Day (春分の日) arrives on March 20, 2020.

Hanging in the balance, I remain,

Unequivocally yours,


Saturday, 22 June 2019

The Summer Solstice

Hi everyone,

June 22nd is the day of the summer solstice (夏至), which has the longest amount of daylight (最長の日照時間) of the year. In some countries, this day represents the middle of summer; in others, however, it marks the start of the hottest season. Either way (どちらにしても), starting tomorrow the days will get shorter . . . until the winter solstice (冬至) arrives on December 22nd.

Shine on,


P.S. In the Northern Hemisphere (北半球), the 2019 summer solstice occurred at 12:54 a.m., Japan Standard Time (日本標準時).

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Let it Beatles

Hi Fab-Four fans,

For about one year now, I have been cohosting a radio program with Dr Koji Takebe of Takebe Breast Care Clinic. The name of the show is "Let it Beatles." 
Every Saturday, Dr Takebe and I play and discuss two songs by the Fab Four. We also talk about breast cancer prevention and treatment (乳がん予防と治療) as well as animal abuse (動物虐待) in Kagawa. If you have a chance, please tune into RNC Radio this coming Saturday from 5:00 to 5:15 p.m.

All the best,


P.S. Feel free to contact us with your song requests. Here's a link to the show's homepage:

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Our Tenth Anniversary

Dear former, current, and future students,

The first classes at E-Style started exactly ten years ago (ちょうど10年前)! It is impossible for me to fully express my gratitude (私の感謝を完全に表現する) to everyone, so I will simply say "Thank you" and, for educational purposes (教育目的で), introduce (some of) you to a great Led Zeppelin song suitable (ふさわしい) for celebrating our tenth anniversary: Ten Years Gone.

Rock on,


Thursday, 3 January 2019

Hello to 2019!

Happy New Year! 

There is no better way to say hello to 2019 here in Japan than with traditional New Year dishes (おせち料理). While I have been enjoying the (red) sea bream (鯛), herring roe (数の子), and sweet rolled omelette (伊達巻) these past three days, my favorite dish is still rice cake soup (お雑煮) with white miso and sweet-bean-paste rice cakes (あん餅). My son's favorite, though, is boiled fish cake. Can you guess what we call it in Japanese?

Full of hope (and good food) for 2019, I remain

Your humble teacher,


P.S. In Japanese, "boiled fish cake" is called 蒲鉾.