Thursday, 31 December 2020

Goodbye (and good riddance) to 2020!

Dear readers,

As this terrible/awful/horrible (酷い) year comes to an end, I can only say good riddance (厄介払い). This expression is used when one is glad or relieved that something bad is gone or finished (嫌な物が無くなって・終わって嬉しい又はホッとする). Sometimes we even use it about people. For today, though, let's practice by saying goodbye and good riddance to 2020. Hopefully, 2021 will be a better year for all. 

Looking forward,


Saturday, 7 November 2020

Goodbye, Mr Bond!

Dear 007 fans,

It is with great sadness (悲痛な面持ちで) that I report the passing of (逝去の) Sir Sean Connery on October 31, 2020 at the age of ninety. He was the first and, for many, the best James Bond. For some, he was the ONLY 007. For me, he was a childhood hero.

Playing a variety of roles over his seven-decade career, Sean Connery won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor (助演男優賞) in 1988 and received the American Film Institute's Lifetime Achievement Award (アメリカ映画協会の生涯功労賞を受賞した) in 2006.

A man's man who was knighted (ナイト爵を授けられた) by Queen Elizabeth in 2000, Sir Sean's services will be greatly missed. 

Goodbye, Mr Bond!

In mourning,


P.S. As a child, my favorite James Bond movie was "You Only Live Twice" (007は二度死ぬ), when 007 travels to Japan!

Sunday, 27 September 2020

How do you get to E-Style?

Hello drivers, riders, and walkers,

How do you get to E-Style? For many students, the answer is either by car (車で) or by bicycle (自転車で). For some, the answer is by train (電車で) or by scooter (原付で). I have even had some students come by ferry (フェリーで). But what about those who walk to class? For them, the answer is on foot (徒歩で).

I have heard many students who walk to E-Style say that they come "by walking." Unfortunately (残念ながら), this sounds a little strange in English and is not used by native speakers. 

Of course, there are other ways to answer the above question without using "by" or "on." Examples include the following: 

  • I drive (運転する)
  • I ride my bicycle/scooter (自転車/スクーターに乗る)
  • I ride/take the train/ferry (電車/フェリーに乗る)
  • I walk (歩いて行く)

Regardless of how you get to E-Style, please be careful on your commute (通学).

Driving safely,


Friday, 31 July 2020

Semiprivate Symphony

 Hi summer lovers,

This season brings many things: Longer days; scorching heat (猛暑) with high humidity (高湿気); delicious shaved ice (かき氷); and, last but certainly not least (最後になりましたが、未筆ながら), cicadas (セミ).  

Recently, I have been able to enjoy the daily concerts of a semiprivate symphony thanks to the cicadas (セミのおかげで) in my garden. Although some of my neighbors (隣人) may think them noisy, to me the cicadas' performances represent the height of summer.



Sunday, 24 May 2020

Classes will resume at E-Style!

Hi everyone,

I hope that this blog entry finds you well.

As the state of emergency (緊急事態) regarding the novel coronavirus has been lifted (解除された), classes will resume (授業が再開する) at E-Style this coming Wednesday, May 27th. Please be sure to wear a mask when you come to your lesson.

Feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Jack and I are looking forward to teaching you again in person (生で).

See you at E-Style,


Tuesday, 14 April 2020


Dear Students,

As a state of emergency (緊急事態) has been declared (宣言された) here in Kagawa due to COVID-19, all classes at E-Style will be suspended (一時的に休講される) from tomorrow, April 15th.

Lessons will resume (再開する) once it has been deemed safe (安全と判断されたら) to return to normal daily activities. Until that time, however, I plan to offer free online lessons to all of E-Style's students starting next week.

Thank you for your understanding as we fight the spread of the novel coronavirus (新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大と闘う). I am looking forward to seeing you online soon and back at E-Style in the near future.

Stay home and stay healthy,


Saturday, 28 March 2020

🎵And in the End . . .

Hi again Fab-Four fans,

Let it Beatles, the weekly radio program which I have been cohosting with Dr. Koji Takebe since 2018, ends today. It has truly been a pleasure to work with "Doctor Robert" these past two years (この2年間) and an honor (光栄) to help out in the fight against both breast cancer (乳がん) and animal abuse (動物虐待). I would like to thank Dr. Takebe not only for his sponsorship of the show, but for his friendship, as well. I would also like to express my gratitude (感謝の意を表す) to all of our listeners, who sent us their requests and encouragement (激励). Lastly, thanks to The Beatles, without whom . . .

If you have a chance, check out our last show today at five o'clock on RNC. A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

All the best,


P.S. 🎵And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. (そして、最後には、あなたが受け取る愛は、あなたが与える愛の分だ)🎵

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Leap Day

Hi Leapers,

Today is February 29, 2020. Although many of you may think of it as Meat Day (肉の日), it is also Leap Day, which is called 閏日(うるうび又はじゅんじつ) in Japanese. As it takes the Earth 365 1/4 days to travel around the Sun, this special day occurs once every four years (4年毎に) in order to correct the calendar. So, enjoy your yakiniku tonight knowing that the 29th of this month is special for another reason (別の理由で).

See you in March,


P.S. In case you were wondering, the English for 閏年 is, indeed (実に), Leap Year.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Hello 2020 . . .

Happy New Year!

Dear readers,

Thank you for studying English through this blog and (for some of you) in classes at E-Style. Jack and I look forward to improving your English conversation skills (あなた方の英会話技術を向上させること) this year and beyond. So, our New Year's message to you is very simple: Hello 2020 and let's go to work (頑張りましょう)!

Good luck,
