Friday, 1 October 2021



Good evening, 007 fans. 

Well, the day has finally arrived (やって来た): The new James Bond movie, No Time to Die, is being shown in theaters all over Japan after several postponements (延期). I saw the first subtitled screening (最初の字幕上映) at Higashi Aeon Cinemas here in Takamatsu this morning at 11:15. Here is a photo of my ticket as proof (証拠)

Please don't worry (心配しないでください), there will be no spoilers (ネタバレ) in this blog entry. Just like 007, I know how important it is to keep a secret, so I promise not to spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, or give the game away. All three of these expressions mean 秘密を漏らす in Japanese.

So, here is my spoiler-free, one-word review of No Time to Die: 


Shaken and stirred, I am

Your Bond aficionado,

Woolfe . . . Alan Woolfe