Monday, 26 December 2022

All the best!

Dear students,

Please don't forget (忘れないでください) that E-Style will be closed for the next two weeks. Lessons will resume (再び始まる) on Monday, January 9th, 2023.

Thank you for studying English by reading this blog and/or coming to classes at E-Style. Jack and I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year and look forward to seeing (and teaching) you in 2023.

All the best,


Saturday, 3 December 2022

Three Square Meals

Hi professional and amateur nutritionists (栄養士),

Have you ever heard the expression "have three square meals a day"(三度三度の食事をきちんと食べる)? If so, then you may have wondered why square (正方形) is used in reference to (に関して) breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

The noun (名詞) "square" refers to either the shape (形) or to an open public area (usually in the center of a city or town) where people gather (広場)

However, the adjective form (形容詞刑) can mean honest (正直な), straightforward (率直な), equal (等しい・平等な), and fair (公平な). To win a match "fair and square" (正々堂々と) means to win honestly, without cheating (ずるをせずに).

As for meals, the adjective "square" means "full, solid, and substantial (十分な、がっつりした、栄養がある)." This is why this particular shape is used when referring to a hearty meal (ボリュームや栄養がある食事).

Getting full,


P.S. A common myth (神話) is that "square meal" came from the British Royal Navy because their meals used to be served on square wooden plates. This is an example of folk etymology (通俗語源). In reality, the term originated in the United States in the 1800s and had nothing to do with ships at sea.

Monday, 31 October 2022

🎵Trick or Treat (Smell my Feet)🎵

Hi Trick or Treaters,

When I was in elementary school (小学校時代), my friends and I went trick or treating every Halloween. And every year, throughout the neighborhood (近所全体に), we sang the same song as we knocked on people's doors. It went like this:

🎵Trick or treat (お菓子くれんかったらイタズラするで)

   Smell my feet (私の足臭ってみ)

      Give me something good to eat (美味しいものくれ)

      If you don't, I don't care (せんかったら、別にええわ)

      I'll pull down your underwear! (お前のパンツ下ろすけん)🎵

Happy Halloween,

The Woolfeman 

Thursday, 7 July 2022

The Star(r) Festival

Hello fellow Star(r) gazers,

Today is the seventh day of the seventh month, which marks the start of Tanabatathe Star Festival (星祭). Originally taken from Chinese mythology (神話), it is called the Qixi Festival and celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunisolar calendar (太陰太陽暦) (August 4th this year) in China. It was introduced in Japan by the Empress Koken in 755.

According to legend (伝説によると), Weaving Princess Orihime (Vega) and Cowherd Hikoboshi (Altair) are lovers who started to neglect their respective work duties (それぞれの職務を怠る) after being wed. This angered Orihime's father, the Emperor of Heaven Tentei, who then placed the two on opposite sides of the Milky Way (天の川) as punishment, permitting them to meet only once a year on the condition (条件) that they worked diligently (熱心に) the other 364 days.

Although some areas of Japan celebrate the Star Festival in August, festivities start in most of the country on July 7th. 

By the way (ところで), there is another reason to celebrate the seventh day of the seventh month every year. For today is Ringo Starr's birthday! So, for star-crossed lovers (薄幸な恋人たち) and Fab Four fans alike, July 7th is indeed (実に) a date to remember. 

Happy 82nd Birthday, Ringo!

Peace and love,


Friday, 29 April 2022

Golden Week Break

Hi everybody,

There will be no lessons at E-Style from today, April 29th (Showa Day) to next Thursday, May 5th (Children's Day). Classes will resume on Friday, May 6th. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions about make-up lessons or starting English conversation classes after the break. 

Jack and I hope that you have a safe and enjoyable Golden Week.

See you at E-Style,


P.S. The other two holidays of Golden Week are Constitution Memorial Day (憲法記念日) on May 3rd and Greenery Day (みどりの日) on the 4th.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

New Term at E-Style!

Hi students,

Spring has come (春がやって来た)! And with a new school year just around the corner (もうすぐ), it is time for a new term at E-Style! Our spring course will start the day after tomorrow (明後日に始まり), March 28th, and run until June 11th (6月11日まで続く)
Feel free to contact us (お気軽にご連絡ください) if you are interested in studying English conversation at one (or more) of our five levels:
  • Kids (キッズ [小1〜6])
  • Beginner (入門)
  • Elementary (初級)
  • Intermediate (中級)
  • Advanced (上級)
For an explanation (説明) of the classes, please check out the KIDS and LESSONS/FEES pages on our website.
Jack and I are looking forward to seeing (and teaching) you this spring. 

See you at E-Style,


Monday, 14 March 2022

Happy White Day!

Hi fellow chocoholics,

Today is White Day, celebrated annually (毎年祝われている) in Japan every March 14th. It actually started as "Marshmallow Day" in 1978, created by Ishimura Manseido, a confectionary company (製菓会社) in Fukuoka. The company marketed (売り込んだ) chocolate-filled marshmallows as a way for men to express their gratitude (感謝を表現する) to the women who gave them gifts, either from the heart (心から・本音で) or out of obligation (義務感から・義理で), on Valentine's Day. March 14th was chosen as the best date for women to receive the return treats by Ishimura Manseido's female employees (女性社員) at a company meeting.

By the 1980s, White Day had become extremely popular (非常に人気が高くなった) all over Japan and began to spread to other Asian countries. These days, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and South Korea all celebrate White Day. In fact, South Korea has taken it one step further (さらに発展させた) by creating "Black Day" on April 14th. This is the date when those people who didn't receive anything for Valentine's Day or White Day get together and eat jajangmyeon, a Korean noodle dish in a black bean sauce.

Alas (あーあ), neither White nor Black Day is widely celebrated in the U.S.A. While children in the States often exchange Valentine's Day cards with their classmates, the holiday is mainly for couples. Popular gifts among sweethearts on February 14th include chocolates, jewelry, and flowers.

Black, white, and read all over, I remain

Sincerely yours,


Friday, 7 January 2022

Seven-Herb Rice Porridge

 Happy New Year!

Dear gourmets, gourmands, and gastronauts,

As today is January 7th, my first blog entry of 2022 will be about the Festival of Seven Herbs (七草の節句). This is the custom (習慣) of eating seven-herb rice porridge (七草粥) on the seventh day of the first month for longevity (長生き)overall health (健康全般), and to ward off evil (悪を追い払う)

The seven "herbs" (in alphabetical order) are as follows (下記の通り):
  • chickweed (はこべら)
  • cudweed (ごぎょう)
  • nipplewort (ほとけのざ)
  • parsley (セリ)
  • radish (すずしろ [大根])
  • shepherd's purse (なずな)
  • turnip (すずな [カブ])
Like rice cake soup (お雑煮), there are various (さまざまな) recipes for seven-herb rice porridge around Japan with different ingredients (食材) used depending on the region (地域次第). In my house, though, we always enjoy the traditional (伝統的な) version of the dish. After the holiday indulgences (ぜいたく), it serves as a wonderful way to both rest and reset our stomachs for a healthy New Year!

Live long and prosper,
