Thursday, 7 July 2022

The Star(r) Festival

Hello fellow Star(r) gazers,

Today is the seventh day of the seventh month, which marks the start of Tanabatathe Star Festival (星祭). Originally taken from Chinese mythology (神話), it is called the Qixi Festival and celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunisolar calendar (太陰太陽暦) (August 4th this year) in China. It was introduced in Japan by the Empress Koken in 755.

According to legend (伝説によると), Weaving Princess Orihime (Vega) and Cowherd Hikoboshi (Altair) are lovers who started to neglect their respective work duties (それぞれの職務を怠る) after being wed. This angered Orihime's father, the Emperor of Heaven Tentei, who then placed the two on opposite sides of the Milky Way (天の川) as punishment, permitting them to meet only once a year on the condition (条件) that they worked diligently (熱心に) the other 364 days.

Although some areas of Japan celebrate the Star Festival in August, festivities start in most of the country on July 7th. 

By the way (ところで), there is another reason to celebrate the seventh day of the seventh month every year. For today is Ringo Starr's birthday! So, for star-crossed lovers (薄幸な恋人たち) and Fab Four fans alike, July 7th is indeed (実に) a date to remember. 

Happy 82nd Birthday, Ringo!

Peace and love,
