Greetings ghouls (食屍鬼達) and goblins (小鬼達),
I hope that your treats outweigh your tricks (あなたのもらうお菓子の量があなたがするいたずらの数を上回る) this All Hallows' Eve (万聖節 [諸聖人の日] の前夜 = ハロウィーン). In western countries, children are usually told "Don't take candy from strangers" (「知らない人からお菓子をもらうな」). Halloween, however, seems to be the exception to the rule (規則に対する例外), for kids are allowed to go trick-or-treating with the specific goal (具体的な目的) of getting as many goodies (美味いもの) as possible from neighbors that they don't even know. One year, I went trick-or-treating for nearly four hours, venturing into other neighborhoods (思い切って他の近所に入った). I got so much candy (which in the States includes chocolate bars, caramel, and nearly anything sweet) that I was enjoying treats until the end of December!
So, have fun, stay safe, and be sure to get as much candy as you can! Happy Halloween!
Ghoulishly yours,
The Woolfeman
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